Local teams across 4 continents are ready to assist you. In addition to our suite of financial solutions, receive market insights and legal guidance from trade finance experts at home and abroad.
With more than 20 offices in 14 countries, we provide financing in most countries and global markets.
We structure credit facilities in multiple currencies to serve your individual business needs, from payroll to purchases.
Our teams provide on-the-ground support for clients and also work closely with buyers and other financial institutions located around the world.
Employees at Tradewind represent cultures across Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and the Americas. We bridge any barriers between geographies with our multilingual staff.
Find an office near you. We’re here to answer your questions and provide you with support.
Flughafenstraße 83,
41066 Mönchengladbach
+49 2161 69779 0
Ady Endre u. 19. IV. em.
1024 Budapest, Hungary
+36 1 20 16 750
Blvd. Patriarh Evtimiy 19B
BG-1142 Sofia, Bulgaria
+359 2 939 10 10
Maslak Mah. Meydan Sk.
Spring Giz Plaza No: 5/58
34485 Sarıyer / Istanbul
+90 212 285 2300
The Graybar Building
420 Lexington Avenue
Suite 2845
New York, New York, 10017 USA
+1 212 765 4349
Office No: 304, 3rd Floor, Liberty House, DIFC PO Box 506981, Dubai, U.A.E.
Regulated by the DFSA
+971 4 359 8803
C-37, Block 2
Clifton, Karachi 75600, Pakistan
+92 321 2982786
Plot No.1, Jail Road
Office 604, High Q tower
Gulberg 5, Lahore, 54000,
+92 321 2982786
House 30, Baliaaree (2nd Floor),
Road 130,
South Avenue, Gulshan 1
Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh
+88 02 8834831 2
Office 315, 3rd Floor, Avanta Business Centre Mumbai Pvt Ltd,
Ambadeep building ,KG Marg
New Delhi-110001
+ 919 1671 71441
Room 503, Building A, Jiuxing
Hongqiao Business Center
No. 9 Shenbin Road, Minhang,
Shanghai 201107, China
+86 21 6031 9919
Room 1106, 11/F, Ocean Centre,
Harbour City, 5 Canton Road
T.S.T., Kowloon, Hong Kong
+852 23759068
Empowering global businesses through export factoring and tailored cash flow solutions for seamless international trade.